
Class 1 & 2 Must-Have Motorcycle MOT Garage Equipment


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Having the right equipment in a motorcycle garage or motorcycle MOT Bay is essential to maintaining and repairing motorcycles. From lift tables to tyre changers, having the right tools can make all the difference. Whether you’re a professional mechanic or a motorcycle enthusiast, investing in quality motorcycle garage equipment is a wise decision.

What is recommended for a Class 1 & 2 Motorcycle MOT Bay?

To carry out MOT tests on motorcycles in the UK, you need an approved Class 1 & 2 Motorcycle M.O.T. Bay.

Some of the equipment requirements for a Class 1 and Class 2 motorcycle MOT testing bay include:

MOT testing premises requirements include

  • Proper lighting
  • Ample ventilation
  • Sufficient space for the testing area, and surrounding each piece of MOT testing equipment

MOT testing personnel requirements include

Learn more

Read the full Concept Garage Equipment blog post about Motorcycle Garage Equipment for Class I and Class II MOT Bays.

Help with your Class 1 & 2 Motorcycle MOT Bay

Looking to set up a Class 1 & 2 MOT Bay for motorcycles, or upgrade an existing MOT Bay to include motorcycle MOT testing?

Simply need some information or helpful free advice about motorcycle MOT equipment?

We can offer you advice over the phone at 0113 469 0572, we have Class 1 & 2 MOT equipment for sale online or over the phone, including delivery, installation and staff training in the correct use of the MOT Bay or garage equipment and can offer full project management of your MOT Bay build, installation and training, removing all your headaches along the way. 

Give Concept Garage Equipment a call today at 0113 469 0572, we would love to help you get your garage equipment set up and paying for itself as soon as possible.

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