
Electric Vehicles UK

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Electric Vehicles: what you need to know, a Guidance By GEA:

The United Kingdom is experiencing a transformative shift in the automotive industry with the widespread adoption of Electric Vehicles (EVs). These vehicles are changing the way we think about transportation.

The move to EV’s is having a major effect on the traditional vehicle workshop workshops or is it?

Do you know what is required to be able to offer service and repairs to EV’s and hybrid vehicles in the future?

Electric Vehicles UK
Electric Vehicles UK

Lets look at the basics you will need?

The first thing we would suggest is training and education.

EV’s and hybrid vehicles use high voltage batteries and motors, working on these devices carry their own hazards, without education,  training and understanding of high voltage system these can be very dangerous and even cause fatalities. 

so the first point is to get your workshop technicians on an EV training course, something along the lines of IMI certification or equivalent certification.


Equipment requirements :

Do you needs special capital equipment, work bays setting up to work on EV’s (new lifts ect)?

Initially, no but as you build and expand into more EV work you may wish to look to invest in some EV specific equipment.  

you will need to invest in some new tooling,  ie: insulated screwdrives and spanners, but most vehicle lifts will still be suitable for picking up EV’s and Hybrids, 

we would also suggest you invest in a charge point, both outside your workshop and within, let your customer know you support EV’s

Do check your lifts for :

lifting capacity, EV’s and Hybrids are by design much heaver curb weight to traditional internal combustion vehicles (ICE). remember, do not just look at the design capacity of your lift (example 5000kg)  but what its been certified to lift by the installer / maintainers (SWL) safe working load. for more information of this subject Vehicle Lifts – Car Lifts – Vehicle Servicing and Parking Lifts | GEA 

Dimensions, again generally EV’s and hybrids are wider and have different pickup points, so ensure your lift is capable safely lifting the vehicle by the correct lifting points. you may want to consider completing a PUWER (provision & use of work equipment) assessment. for more information on this subject Health and Safety – Guidance – GEA

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