
Ben Support for life


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Ben Support for life

This International Men’s Day Ben have released a new short film relating to this year’s theme of ‘zero male suicide’. We’re aiming to raise awareness about suicide within the automotive industry, challenge perceptions and spread the message far and wide that we’re here for everyone who works, or has worked, in the automotive industry. Knowing about Ben could make all the difference.

The short film stars actor, Alastair Ellery, who is known for his role in Netflix film, The Strays. Watch the film now…

In the UK, men are three times more likely to take their own lives than women and sadly, during the past year Ben have seen an increase in calls to its helpline for support around suicide.

If you feel you might want to act on suicidal thoughts, call 999, go to A&E or call the Samaritans.

If you or anyone you know is struggling right now, Ben is here to help. You can call our free and confidential helpline on 08081 311 333 or chat with us online.

They also operate an out-of-hours text support service – just text BEN to 85258 to start a conversation.

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