
📸 Project Update: Completed Volvo Shrewsbury garage equipment installation


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CCS’ garage equipment installation at Volvo’s Shrewsbury dealership is completed, commissioned and now fully in use!
Project Update: Completed Volvo Shrewsbury garage equipment installationProject Update: Completed Volvo Shrewsbury garage equipment installation
Following completion, testing and commissioning of Volvo Cars Shrewsbury’s dealership garage equipment installation, this up-to-the-minute car servicing and maintenance workshop is now fully up and running.

The dealership’s investment in the new vehicle servicing workshop was part of a state-of-the-art dealership upgrade, incorporating a modern garage equipment installation as part of a wider development which included new sales and servicing facilities, MOT, repairs and customer services.

Completed garage equipment installation for Volvo Cars Shrewsbury

CCS Garage Equipment was commissioned by our dealership client to work with its appointed builders and contractors to design, install and commission a full garage equipment installation which included:

  • 7 dedicated service bays, equipped with scissor lifts and a 2-post lift
  • Dedicated MOT bay
  • Cormach tyre changers and wheel balancers
  • Compressed air and LEV systems
  • Lubrication systems

Recessed fixed 4 post lift brake tester headlamp tester and ancillary equipment Dedicated MOT bay installed by CCS Garage Equipment for Volvo’s upgraded Shrewsbury dealership, featuring recessed fixed 4-post lift, brake tester, headlamp tester and ancillary equipment

Wall mounted small tool storage garage equipment installed for CCS
Wall-mounted small tool storage for ease of access, maintenance and inventory by Volvo Shrewsbury’s vehicle workshop engineers

dedicated MOT bay and adjacent service bay equipped with a fixed 4 post lift
Vehicle servicing and maintenance underway in Volvo Shrewsbury’s new dealership workshop, with vehicles occupying the new, dedicated MOT bay and adjacent service bay equipped with a fixed 4-post lift

Short platform Rotary scissor lift supplied installed commissioned and maintained
Vehicle lifted on Volvo-specification recessed short platform Rotary scissor lift, supplied, installed, commissioned and maintained by CCS Garage Equipment

Fluid monitoring system installed by CCS Garage Equipment for Volvo Shrewsbury
Fluid monitoring system installed by CCS Garage Equipment for Volvo Shrewsbury’s upgraded dealership, enabling the engineer team to carefully monitor and track oil and lubrication fluid usage to each job in the workshop, minimising wastage

Reliable scissor lift technology by Rotary installed by CCS
Customer vehicle during servicing at Volvo Shrewsbury, occupying drive-in service bay installed by CCS Garage Equipment with reliable scissor-lift technology by Rotary and meeting Volvo brand specifications

Oil monitoring system installation for accurate management of workshop lubrication resources

CCS Garage Equipment included a leading oil monitoring system as part of our garage equipment installation for Volvo Shrewsbury.

Improving workshop budget management by controlling the accurate usage and charging of oils and lubricants to each servicing job passing through the workshop, the mechanic team uses the system to track fluids dispensed, helping to prevent unauthorised use and wastage.

Specific allocations are given to each job where needed, stock levels monitored and, ultimately, the system will contribute towards greater profitability for the dealership by accounting entirely for the workshop’s fluids use.

Fully-managed garage equipment installation for car dealerships nationwide

For 30 years, CCS Garage Equipment has designed, supplied, installed and commissioned specialist garage equipment installations for private car and light commercial dealerships throughout the UK and Ireland.

From tailored garage equipment design to suit brand specifications, to installation by experienced, LEEA and GEA-accredited garage equipment engineers, CCS brings to life contemporary, operationally efficient and future-proofed workshops for dealership brands.

CCS places workshop safety at the heart of everything we do, delivered by a team which thrives on positive customer feedback. All garage equipment installation projects are managed by our own site managers, working alongside building contractors, architects and dealership clients to ensure garage equipment installation projects are completed efficiently and with an eye-catching finish that creates an enjoyable – and safe – place to work.

Contact CCS to discuss your dealership’s garage equipment installation project

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