
Practical & efficient garage equipment installation for Ford Commercials Centre


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Ford Commercials Centre

Featured project: Lookers Ford Chelmsford

Practical & efficient garage equipment installation for Ford Commercials Centre

Project brief

Lookers’ Ford Chelmsford Transit Centre is a large and busy dealership, with a service offer for business vehicle users including new and used Ford Commercial vehicle sales, servicing and parts. The wide vehicle range, from Transits to the increasingly-popular Ranger pick-up, demands a versatile workshop to serve customers across the Essex and North East London area.

CCS worked closely with Lookers to plan this workshop refurbishment, installing reliable and durable vehicle lift technology with ancillary garage equipment including a dedicated MOT bay that will enable the Lookers Ford Chelmsford team to work efficiently, safely and with all the equipment they need close to hand.

Bespoke garage equipment installation by CCS

With an excellent understanding of our client and Ford’s brand expectations from its garage equipment installations, CCS was appointed to this project from an early stage to design and plan the refurbished Chelmsford workshop for this busy service centre alongside builders and our client’s other contractors.

The Chelmsford centre carries a broad range of functions, preparing new and used vehicles, including cars and vans, for sale, and undertaking routine servicing and maintenance. Following the refurbishment of the flooring and structure, CCS commenced garage equipment installation work on-site, managed by our dedicated project manager and expert installation engineers.

Our new workshop layout enhances efficiency and makes best of use of space in the working area. Vehicle lifts, suitable for commercial vehicles and including 4, 5-tonne 2-post lifts, are installed alongside a Class 7 MOT bay and ancillary garage equipment including headlamp aligner, oil and water supply, compressed air, LEV, wheel balancer and tyre changing facilities.

The new Chelmsford Transit Centre’s garage equipment installation is now fully operational, having been tested and commissioned by CCS. Our senior engineers delivered full training to the client’s operations team on handover, ensuring that new lifts, MOT bay and ancillary equipment can be used safely to get the most out of its enhanced features. CCS continues to provide ongoing aftercare to the client, with regular vehicle lift maintenance to keep the Chelmsford centre up and running.

State-of-the-art garage equipment design & installation for Ford Chelmsford Transit Centre:

01. Commercial lift technology

4 new 5-tonne, 2-post lifts allow for excellent lift capacity in the workshop for the growing Ford commercials range, whilst making the most of the operational floor area.

02. Class 7 MOT bay

Commercial-grade MOT bay suitable for the light commercial vehicles which are a staple of the Ford range, including 4-post lift with jacking beam.

03. Quality equipment upgrades

Equipment throughout the workshop is upgraded for efficiency and reliability, including Crypton headlamp aligner and MOT systems and Samoa lubrication.

04. Innovative wheel systems

CCS introduced Cormach wheel balancers and tyre changers, rich in features including automatic data acquisition, sensor gauges and pneumatic controls.

05. Excellent client understanding

CCS delivered a complete workshop for Lookers’ Chelmsford site, benefiting from years of experience in working with our client and its Ford brand dealerships.

06. Safety through innovation

Leading equipment and a bespoke-designed workshop, backed by CCS’ unmatched training and aftercare, ensures an operationally safe working space for our client.

Garage Equipment Installation for Ford Transit Centre Chelmsford

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