
NEW DPF Business Opportunity For 2022


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DPF Business

Engine carbon cleaning specialists, Plymouth Carbon Cleaning have invested in Carbon Clean\’s DCS-17 DPF Cleaning Machine and are amazed by how awesome their DPF cleaning technology is.

This lucrative business opportunity is the perfect chance for workshops just like yours, to increase extra workshop revenue in 2022.

The company based in Plymouth can clean carbon deposits from vehicles engines along with offering a whole host of other vehicle services too. Their latest investment in our DCS-17 DPF Cleaning Machine has opened new opportunities for them, whilst allowing them to attract a new client market. They have already started to notice the extra workshop revenue which can be generated by this additional service.

The reasons why the business chose to invest in Carbon Clean\’s DPF Cleaning Technology:

• To create more opportunities for their business
• To attract a new client market
• To increase their workshop revenue
• Easy to use DPF cleaning equipment
• UK aftercare team
• Full training provided by DPF Cleaning Specialists
• Best DPF cleaner on the market
• Ability to pressure test before and after
• Cleans most types of DPF’s including commercial

Ian Pearson, Workshop Owner at Plymouth Carbon Cleaning said in his option it was ‘the best value for money DPF machine on the market’.

The benefits of  Carbon Clean’s DCS-17 DPF Cleaning Machine:

Carbon Clean\’s DCS-17 DPF Cleaning Machine is suitable for all light commercial vehicles and HGV. It is also equipped with a range of accessories to tackle most DPF’s in the car park.

Features & benefits include:

• Removes up to 100% of carbon, soot and ash built up in a DPF
• Easy work-bed design
• Can handle Euro 5 and 6 engines
• In situ clean and dry function
• Multi-direction DPF positions to clean deeper
• Pressure display
• Can remove up to 100% of soot/ ash in DPF
• Automatic set and forget function

Are you interested in taking the plunge and investing in DPF cleaning technology? Contact the DPF Cleaning Specialists today.

Call: +44 (0)203 507 0175
Email: [email protected]

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