
HPC KAESER Sustainability Campaign: Efficiency delivers significant savings


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HPC is delighted to announce a special offer!

Until 31st March 2025, we are offering “Sustainability Discounts” across the range of energy-saving HPC KAESER SC2MCSIO belt-driven screw compressors, KRYOSEC dryers and filters.

HPC is offering discounted prices on the following energy-efficient HPC KAESER SC2MCSIO machines at 8 bar and 11 bar:

Last orders will be accepted on 31st March 2025.

Interested? Click here if you would like to find out more and a member of the sales team will get in touch with you shortly.

Make extra savings in energy costs too

HPC KAESER are market leaders when it comes to energy efficiency, offering unmatched energy cost savings across the board of our compressor range.

This means that, for the duration of this campaign, you can save TWICE with us.

Not only can you benefit from significant discounts but you can also save thousands of pounds a year in energy costs too.

Find out for yourself, how much you can save by visiting our Energy Savings Calculator.

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